Rockets & Missiles

Black cat 8 ounce rockets
The most popular of all rockets. The Black Cat 8 ounce rockets, are the most consistent in their quality and performance. The standard in rockets !
$7.99 - 12 Pack
Pound rockets
The effects consist of four big rockets with really big effects. Crackling Gold, New Color Leaves, Red Crossette and Sizzling Silver Crossette.
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$4.99 - 4 Pack
Double Trouble
$2.99 - ea.
Mega Thor

$2.99 - each
Thunder Thor

$2.99 - each
Magnum Velocity
This missile stands proud at 10" tall. Ignition, lift off ...and then watch these thrusters kick start the engine as this beauty glides over 300' through the air while it showers down Golden Glitters.
$2.79 - each
Saturn Missile
$2.99 - each
Color Tracer Missile
Black Cat continues to lead missile innovation with their all new 50 Shot Color Tracer. Alternating colored tails and mines make this a great one to have for your party.
$3.99 - each

300 Whistling missiles that explode after take off.
$9.99 - each
Noise Transmission
More noise shoots from a barrage of over 500 tails with loud whistles & reports. The ultimate 'saturn missile' which includes two rows of finale that is packed with a variety of colors. Shooting approximately 150' up this 13 pound heavy weight cake makes a grand rapid salute in just under 2 minutes.
$54.99 - each

Artillery Shells


Roman Candles





Fountains & Cones

500 Gram Night Displays

200 Gram Night Displays


Wings & Spinners

American Made Shells
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